The group is a movie about a band of thieves who rob from the drugloards and give the money to poor children, following in the footsteps of their fallen leader Father Martin. This modern day Robin Hood gangster style tale is a fun romp through HK with loads of violence. Almen Wong really shines in the role of Lily a "survival training instructor" who is proficient in fighting and weapons. Her part in the movie is very important, as she is the "muscle" to the operation. Almen has the intensity to pull off this part, that most certainly would have been written for a man in most circumstances.

Almen pretends to be raped for a self defense class she is teaching and explains what to do

Puzzled by the botched operation and Almen goes to the ring one on one with the thug!

Almen waits for the final battle and "lays the smackdown" on the goon! OUCH!


Almen shows her tough girl attitude throughout the film. Outside of Shanghai Grand and Her Name is Cat, this is Almen's best action flick. No sexual overtones in this film just anger and violence. Any other actress put into the role would not have been near as convincing. All photos on this page copyright by Fitto Movie CO. LTD., and used for promotional and informational purposes only. All text copyright Danny Shamon 2001.